About Us
The Sober She Devils is an international secular online women’s meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). This is a closed meeting of AA, welcoming any woman who has a desire to stop drinking.
We recognize that not everyone believes in a god or even a higher power; we want to create a safe place for women to express themselves regardless of their world views, beliefs, religion, spiritual experiences or rejection of them.
Our Online Meetings
Sober She Devils meetings are for those who identify as WOMEN ONLY
If you have any questions about our group or meetings, you can contact any of the hosts/co-hosts via the chat box during the Zoom meeting or wait until the end of the meeting when we stay on for informal discussion.
SUNDAY MORNINGS – 7am Pacific (10am Eastern Time)
Meeting ID: 657-402-688 | Password: Srg2025
Join with ZoomMONDAY EVENINGS – 6pm Pacific (9pm Eastern Time)
Meeting ID: 306-156-306 | Password: Srg2025
Join with ZoomAn extensive line up of recovery meetings can be found listed at srgrecovery.org or worldwidesecularmeetings.com. Our meetings are designated “closed” in order to keep them a safer space for women who know they desire sobriety.
Blog Posts by Our Members
One Alcoholic Helping Another
By Bethany D. AA Without God Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people recover from alcoholism. The stories told in the Big Book,[...] Read More
Why I left ‘Traditional’ AA
By Carol P. It took me a full year to become comfortable once again in the rooms of AA. I had been sober[...] Read More
More Info
Click on any of the topics below for more detailed info related to our group as well as additional secular sobriety resources.
Click Here for a link to a Google Sheets document listing recommendations from Sober She Devils members of books, podcasts, secular recovery websites and other information that have helped us in our recovery.
Click Here for a copy of the Sober She Devils group agreements and rules of engagement.
There are four women who act as hosts for our group. The hosts are responsible for the administration of the Zoom meetings, screening and admitting women to the meetings, curating and maintaining resources, and communicating one-on-one with anyone with questions and comments about the group.
The names of the four hosts, in alphabetical order, are:
- Becky D.
- Bethany D.
- Gail L.
- Maria T.
We also have co-hosts who assist with the Zoom meetings screening and admitting women to the meetings, communicating one-on-one with anyone with questions and comments about the group.
In 2017, John S. of Beyond Belief Sobriety (then known as “AA Beyond Belief”) began hosting a secular Zoom meeting on Sunday afternoons (beyondbeliefsobriety.org). A group of women attending those meetings started having informal chats following the meetings. During one of those post-meeting chats, one of them exclaimed, “Wouldn’t it be great to have a secular women’s meeting?” Everyone present agreed it was greatly needed. Shortly thereafter, it happened! The first online secular women’s AA meeting was hosted on August 28th, 2017. Then, on January 29, 2018 the Sober She Devils name was adopted.
Click Here to listen to an interview by John S. at Beyond Belief Sobriety with four of the original members of the Sober She Devils (Carol, Maria, Kimberley, Gail) on podcast #116.
The Sober She Devils are grateful for the support of the administrators of SRG Recovery. In addition to providing links to secular meetings for people in recovery, the SRG Recovery website was “created to allow authors and persons seeking recovery from substance abuse, a place to share experiences outside the constraints of religiosity.” It contains helpful information about recovery from a secular lens, including thoughtful blog posts. We encourage you to check it out at srgrecovery.org
Check out our latest blog article here.